"little actions matter"Caregiver and Nurse by heart. With optimism and professionalism and always a warm smile she serves aids and helps to make your days better. Always ensure that it is done the way you would like and that your wishes are not just wishes but rather demands. You are the boss of your life – but we are here to serve and help that happen. You are the Manager of your life – let’s ensure you get to Manage all the way. Doula Services and helping Parents and young families to start strong and on the right track from before day zero is her passion.

"make it pretty and good"Art Design and Organising are her passions and she rules them to the max. Bringing everything color-coded and designed in a home that reflects your personality but that is highly organized and set up in a way to ensure that your home serves you. rooms that support your development and lifestyle and enable you to function well. because that’s what a home is supposed to do. A Surrounding that fits your needs makes your life easier and looks great at the same time. A Company Logo and a Slogan that fits you exactly and also transports the core and spine of the Company and its Identity.

"don't eat fake be real"Cooking and producing wonderful and tasteful things for our Ketolicious… she is the queen of the kitchen spoons and manages to bring fully satisfied taste buds in harmony. Keep our insulin at bay and health-supported throughout. Eating like Nature Provides and Earth delivers. Eating healthy is less about YES or NO it is about at the right time in the right amount and because of our fast lifestyle we find fast shortcuts that ensure healthy options for every time and even on the go. Not because that is the goal but because this is our reality many times.

"god provided - we just need to use it"Everyone calls her just Nana – not mine, not yours.. but still ours
Her knowledge of Herbs, Flowers, and all their Medicinal uses and how to forage and keep and store… Thanks to her we learn so much from her. Combining old Wisdom with today’s knowledge we are able to come up with wonderful oils, tinctures, and remedies for so many uses. Exmpl; Fermenting is old knowledge – defining specific Lactobacilies is current science just on the breakthrough. Fermenting those Bacteria Cultures to heal a leaky gut and influence mood and weaknesses is the Result of using tradition and modern science.

"guiding to succeed"The Master of Desaster – in the most stressful moments her calm demeanor keeps the oversight of everything – numbers, business plan, goals, and facts. Basically, it is quite easy – there is not much she can not do. Avid Athlete herself and a successful Businesswoman, now offering most of her time to support those with needs including supporting Us and her clients with top-notch support.

"we are almost there"The manifestation of power and energy in a Person. With her upbeat personality and charming positivity, she cheers and pushes one to the next level. Fitness never makes more fun than with her, crossing limits is never easier, and bursting through old records becomes pure joy. Reaching health goals never was easier. Her passion for people and her joy for movement helps you to reach your personal best in a fitness kind of way. Professionals and many major Brands from Les Mills, Technogym, and 5 Star Hotels trust in her expertise and love to work with her for Events, Shows, and Training.

"Better Safe than sorry"Our Cyber Security and Data Specialist. Maintaining Servers setting up backend Systems that serve you and optimizing the Computer services you using is his field of expertise. It is very concerning that Companies are still not aware, that by leaving back doors open to hackers they don’t just endanger their own existence but also fail to respect their Clients. DATA is of high value where everything is free – because harvesting data is of such high value. No Companie offers you free service without getting anything out of you. I wish people would start understanding this simple truth. Keep your Company, your Date, and your Clients safe by upgrading and adjusting.

"overcome"Managing Family and Businesses successfully seems her Superpower. Investing her life to OPTIMISE. Companies, Humans, Relationships, Products, homes – helping others to thrive. Founder of several Companies, author, and speaker, inventor. Manager of athletes, and coach of several companies and organizations. Spent a few years wheelchair-bound, but ain’t letting that stop her at all. Disability is where others/yourself or infrastructure keeps you from evolving and being. Let’s start enabling each other and evolve for the better.
Always on the go and everyone who has ever worked with her will remember her smile.

"no excuses"Marketing, adult education, and management. An entrepreneur by heart, wife, and mother by passion. Start-ups are her passion, and her 50ies clothing label is her hobby. “The wilder, the better” sure matches her lifestyle. She loves to coach you through the wildest storms, and the most complicated start-ups and magically brings all your books back in order. Business Ambulanz is what clients like to call her and that is exactly what she is. Storms is what she is made for – Solutions is what she delivers.
Thriving through life with the energy of a tornado – always ready to help and guide.