Don`t let anything Disable you


Disability – Assistance

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  • Assistance Services

We support you all the way or guide you to places that can do it even better. According to our Motto
We support you all the way. We know firsthand and secondhand how confusing and weird the whole entrance into disabled life is and how challenging it is to find its way through…
We don’t think we hold the key to the perfect solution but we sure have learned and researched and experienced a lot and will love to offer all our knowledge to you.

In der Schweiz bieten wir auch Assistenz Dienstleistungen an von Betreung/Begleitung aber auch Medizinische verrichtungen und die komplette Administration. Dies Momentan in den Regionen Zürich Stadt, Züricher Oberland und Oberengadin.

Carmen – Abteilung Pflege

Starting & Ending Life

We also have two wonderful Nurses that offer Perinatal Death Care and also Palliative Care and have lots of experience with it personally and professionally because here at we believe that both components make a real Pro. We believe that we all start out needing lots of support to survive and help and guidance to grow into our own unique independence. Every assistance possible must be given to grant independence and once earned we believe it to be a human right that is not just nice to have and most of all we believe it comes with absolutely no expiration date. Rather it must be up kept and cared for until the last breath.
The reason why we like to support Families and Individuals through those intense first and last moments of life, because it is a great privilege to be part of it. Those sensitive moments are moments where we are fragile and yet stronger than we could ever imagine in between. Those who have never been part of it will never understand how it feels when life and death touch.

For us, it is a privilege and honor to help and support our Clients throughout those moments with passion and care respecting your wishes and needs.
From Beginning to End.