It is our honor to serve and coach individuals and companies for over 20 Years all around the world. It is our deepest passion and understanding that life itself is the world's greatest adventure and we love to serve our clients as adventure guides on their way. we love to optimize and advance according to the needs and wishes of our clients. we coach - train - assist and support our Clients to Rock their lives today. Today - because that is where life happens... Tomorrow is not yet here and yesterday is already past. there is lots to learn from yesterday but action must be here and now -TODAY
Unsere Services
Growing Ideas

Healthy Living

Life Management




Unsere Kunden

Was unsere Kunden sagen
The longer we work together the more I realize that I have been attacking my own dreams all my life. Thank you for assuring me that even in retirement age I am able to adjust and learn and follow new goals. You are awesome – your whole team.
UrsI thought I knew – today I know that I didn`t have a clue. Good I came to you because you did not only start up my company but you also managed the turn around 10 years later. Thank you – maybe I will be back in another 10 😉
Start up
LexisNobody could handle our teen. It seemed no one could reach him… First we were very skeptical about your direct and consistent approach but up to today he speaks faithfully about you. Whatever you did and said to him – it has changed everything.
Mike and SilvieAfter 2 terrible birth experiences I was scared as hell when I realised I was pregnant again. How should that work…Now looking back I don’t even know what I was afraid off… The right technique and the right instruction makes the deal – in life and during birth. Thank you
SimonaWhen my husband decided to leave us all because of another woman, without money or anything, tricking the system by moving out of the country… Thank you for hanging in there and leading me through – without you I would have gone insane.
DörtheNot knowing where to go and what to do – after talking to you my life always makes sense and I feel equipped to handle my chores and decisions. I am always amazed how a mountain can tumble just by sitting next to you.
Live Crisis

"little actions matter"Caregiver and Nurse by heart. With optimism and professionalism and always a warm smile she serves aids and helps to make your days better. Always ensure that it is done the way you would like and that your wishes are not just wishes but rather demands. You are the boss of your life – but we are here to serve and help that happen. You are the Manager of your life – let’s ensure you get to Manage all the way. Doula Services and helping Parents and young families to start strong and on the right track from before day zero is her passion.

"don't eat fake be real"Cooking and producing wonderful and tasteful things for our Ketolicious… she is the queen of the kitchen spoons and manages to bring fully satisfied taste buds in harmony. Keep our insulin at bay and health-supported throughout. Eating like Nature Provides and Earth delivers. Eating healthy is less about YES or NO it is about at the right time in the right amount and because of our fast lifestyle we find fast shortcuts that ensure healthy options for every time and even on the go. Not because that is the goal but because this is our reality many times.

"overcome"Managing Family and Businesses successfully seems her Superpower. Investing her life to OPTIMISE. Companies, Humans, Relationships, Products, homes – helping others to thrive. Founder of several Companies, author, and speaker, inventor. Manager of athletes, and coach of several companies and organizations. Spent a few years wheelchair-bound, but ain’t letting that stop her at all. Disability is where others/yourself or infrastructure keeps you from evolving and being. Let’s start enabling each other and evolve for the better.
Always on the go and everyone who has ever worked with her will remember her smile.
Letzte Neuigkeiten
Erfolgreiches Lernen in 4 Schritten
Lesen “Mein Kind liest nicht gern.” Das bekomme ich oft zu hören. Viele Eltern sind sich nicht bewusst, wie gross ihre Vorbildfunktion beim Lesen ist. Kinder beobachten und lernen, was […]
Papi sein und nicht nur Vater
An alle Papis dieser Welt – Vater sein kann mancher aber ein echter Papi/Papa – dazu braucht es mehr…Egal ob biologischer Papi oder nicht, Onkel oder Freund – Wenn Ihr […]
Sackgeld und Ämtli
In all den Jahren Beratung ist dieses Thema ein Dauerbrenner. Was Bezahlen? Wie viel Bezahlen und ab wann Bezahlen? und viele weitere Fragen. Wir haben 6 Ansätze zusammen getragen um […]
Some facts about us
Our skills according to our customers
A message from our manager

Life is not easy and often things keep adding to make it even more challenging. We want to offer you a platform with valuable information, hight quality posts and the option for personal coaching and assistance to help you make YOUR life rock. Because you can!Carole Mercédès