Parenting is a lot about selling things right!

Why should your kids buy what you say? Want what you want? 


Tip of the Week:

Let`s take the example of: getting the kids to give you a break after lunch. 
For some called a quiet time or a room hour… 
1st I believe working for a good 30 minutes is a good start as soon as the kids stop taking a nap. 

Way to get there… 
1. Introduce the “wow now we have been working now we deserve a rest” in your everyday life. And communicate it to your Child.
2. Start by using this regularly after Lunch “we sure have done a lot this morning, we deserve a good rest”
3. Continue making this in the Child’s room maybe you want to sit on its bed and read the newspaper while it can play.
4. Add the information that you would be more comfortable on the couch and that it is easiest to relax by yourself. 
5. Do not enter the Child`s room anymore, if needed sit right outside in the hall.
6. It should not be a problem now to spend your time in “your room” and your Child in the “Child’s room”

Have fun selling your desired behavior and be welcome to ask and comment along the way

And remember changing a routine will ALWAYS take 2 Weeks. That`s not fun but a biological truth! 

#parentingtips   #parentingwin   #tipoftheweek   #parenting  #selling   #kids  

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